By John Kunkle
It is important that you are respectful to the women who are in attendance at the social. Many of them have spent the equivalent of several months’ salary for clothes, transportation, and lodging in order to be there. Some may have traveled hundreds of kilometers and a day or more in travel time to come.
I can assure you that most of the women in attendance are very serious about being at the Social. With a ten to one ratio of women to men, it is obvious that many of these women will be disappointed. Please bear this in mind. The odds are stacked in your favor so that you are guaranteed to win.
You have paid thousands of dollars for that privilege. But bear in mind that the women in attendance have paid just as high a price based on their personal resources as you have. In many ways they have more to gain and lose than you do.
Consequently, you should respect their time and level of commitment to the social introduction process, as their happiness is as important to them as yours is to you. For these reasons, please show them all the courtesy you can.
"Russian Brides: How to Woo, Win, and Wed The Woman of Your Dreams" is a complete comprehensive step by step manual that covers all the pertinent details about finding, meeting, and courting a Russian woman.
The site is organized from the beginning of the book -- why you should pursue a Russian woman, how to find her, how to communicate with her -- through traveling to Russia, meeting her -- and ultimately, to bringing her home and making your relationship work.
The book is designed to be read from beginning to end. Each chapter page has subchapters on the corresponding chapter page which deal with specific subjects.
Just click on the "Next" button on the bottom of each page and it will take you to the next page chronologically in the book.
Once you have read the book through once, you may focus on that part of the book that corresponds to the stage where you are at now.
I wish this guide was available when I was in the process of meeting my Belarussian wife. It would have saved me a lot of time, money, and heartache. You now have my experience and the experience of hundreds of men who have traveled before you at your fingertips.
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