By John Kunkle
Your fiancé will meet other Russian women who are coming to America under fiancé visas. She will meet them at her English classes in her native country before she leaves.
She will be introduced to other women at the marriage agency that are coming to America.
She will meet them through relatives or acquaintances, who introduce them to other women coming to America that they have heard about through the grapevine.
She will meet women at the embassy when she goes to take her medical exam and her interview.
When she comes to America, your fiancé will probably enroll in English classes at the local adult school. If there are any other Russian-speaking women there, they will become fast friends.
How the Club Forms:
You will get calls from American men you don’t know, who have heard through friends of friends that you have a Russian fiancé or wife, and they are in the process of looking or bringing over a fiancé from Russia. When their fiancés arrive in America, they will frequently become intimate with your fiancé.
Friends of yours, hearing that you have a Russian fiancé, will give your phone number to other Russian people that they have met.
Your fiancé will go to public places where she may overhear Russian being spoken. While she would never do this in her country, she may speak up and say hello to them because they share a common language in a strange land.
This eclectic group becomes an informal Emigrant’s Club. Your fiancé will grab onto these strangers like a drowning sailor to a floating life buoy. This Emigrant’s Club will be one of her survival tools.
She will talk to them to hear the comfort of Russian words being spoken. While everything around her seems strange to her, she will have things explained to her in a way that she understands.
The Emigrant's Club Is Another Tool To Making Her Feel Comfortable Here:
I encourage you to help her develop her Emigrant’s Club, as this will make it easier for her adjust to her new life and will reduce the Culture Shock she is experiencing.
Even though you are patient and explain everything to her in the best way you can, she will trust and understand the members of her Emigrant’s Club in a way you will not understand.
They are explaining America to her through Russian eyes – much as I am trying to explain Russia and Russian women to you through American eyes.
Helping her get through these rough spots will be the positive side of the Emigrant’s Club. However, there are negative sides as well.
She will compare you and your actions, assets, income, job, and life style with her Russian friends and their husbands. These Russian women exchange experiences with each other in details that might embarrass you.
If you are miserly, they will know. If you make less money than her friend’s husbands, they will know. If you come up a little short in the marriage bed, they will know.
The intimate details of your life will be paraded through conversations traveling through the grapevine at mach speed. If you are lacking, it will become readily apparent to your fiancé in a very short period of time.
Telephone, Telegraph, Tell A Russian Woman: The Three Fastest Modes of Communication:
Personally, I just keep my mouth shut. I don’t say anything that I don’t want someone else to hear, because they will.
They share everything.
My wife took her girlfriend to the jewelry store where we bought our wedding rings and where I have purchased some jewelry for her for special occasions.
One time, my wife and I had a big argument. When my wife went to the jewelry store, the man at the jewelry store knew about it from her friend.
So, a word to the wise, I wouldn’t say or do anything that you don’t want the world to know about, because they will.
There are three modern forms of rapid communication: Telegraph, Telephone, and Tell a Russian Woman.
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